Friday, November 9, 2018

Links 2018/11/09

Dogs process human faces with a dedicated part of their brain, separate from the part that processes the faces of other dogs. Link.

"Over the next decade, humanity will begin its 'transhuman' era: Biology can then be hacked, depending on lifestyle, interests and health needs." Link.

ICE kept a U.S. citizen "imprisoned as a deportable alien for nearly 3 1/2 years. Then it released Watson, who was from New York, in rural Alabama with no money and no explanation... an appeals court ruled that Watson... is not eligible for (compensation)... the statute of limitations actually expired while he was still in ICE custody without a lawyer." And... "There is no right to a court-appointed attorney in immigration court". Link.

Bernie Sander's "Stop BEZOS" bill "seems to be much more about grandstanding and pointing fingers than about actual solutions to help vulnerable American workers". It adds a tax on employers whose workers receive government benefits, which would actually give these employers an incentive to cut the wages of those workers. Link.

A Trump-backed political ad was so dishonest/racist that Fox News decided not to air it. Link.

Trump's aides have struggled to get him to use government approved phones, and he continues to use an insecure phone that the Chinese government taps to listen to some of this conversations. Link. I assume all the people who thought Hillary's email server was a big deal must be very upset about this...

Related: The Hack Gap.

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